Marvellous Midlife

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Guest Post with Rebecca Caroe - 10 reasons women should try rowing in midlife!

Rowing and menopause

The sport of rowing is seeing a giant growth in membership from women over the age of 40. Why? What is it about mid-life that makes a traditional water sport so attractive?

Let me start by telling a story.

I have been privileged to meet an amazing group of women through rowing. Women who wouldn’t describe themselves as “sporty”; women who have suffered loss; women who have families and those who do not; women with life partners and women who are single. What we all have in common is a shared purpose - to conquer the challenge of learning a new skill - the sport of rowing.

And we all succeed because we do it together.

Rowing is a really challenging sport to learn as an adult. Nobody can “just row”. When you first get into a boat it feels unstable - like you’re sitting on a pencil on the water that’s about to tip over and dunk you in the drink. And so you have to learn how to balance the boat; how to handle the oars - which are 3 meters long and also how to propel yourself BACKWARDS around a river or lake. Learning to row is a bit like rubbing your head and patting your tummy at the same time.

So what’s the attraction?

When we are coming into menopause, many women feel challenged by weight gain, by a need for ‘me-time' and for distractions from the physical symptoms we experience.

Finding a situation where a like-minded group of friends are all “in the same boat” [pun intended] is a great way to feel that you’re in charge of your situation, of your body and mind while also making new friends and learning a new skill,

Comrades and fitness

Unique among team sports, rowers feel a deep bond with their crew mates. It’s more than you felt while on the high school hockey or netball team or during summer camp with the girl guides. Somehow rowing makes friends for life.

Not all team sports are created equal

When you are on a rowing team the teamwork is very powerful. Nobody gets left behind in the boat and we all experience set-backs in our learning. Some days you just can’t do something and others you can. We share the pain and the elation together. The way the boat moves forward is due to every single person in the crew working together. And that mutual endeavour brings rewards - like the first time you can balance the boat, or the feeling when you do a power 10 and the boat races forwards and you can feel the speed.

Why you should try rowing

So here are ten reasons why rowing is the ultimate team sport that builds confidence and companionship through collaboration and shared endeavour.

1 While you’re all in the same boat, we all go the same speed - you can’t tell if you are going “slower” or “faster” than others

2. You can row solo or social in a crew of up to 9 people as a team

3. Rowing is a great stress buster - work hard, sweat and pump out some kilometres

4. Weight loss through rowing is easy as it’s a whole body exercise

5. It’s a sport for life - from age 10 till whenever - as long as you can stand up and sit down unassisted, you can probably row

6. Whatever the weather you can get outside into some of the really beautiful rivers and lakes in the world full of animal life

7. Rowing builds great bodies - it’s a pushing sport building leg and back strength - you are FIT

8. Teamwork is number one (did I say that already?)

9. Timing is everything - if you want to be the team hero you have to combine with the others. Standing out and doing it differently will lose you the race

10. Every time you see a nice, calm, flat piece of water you imagine what it would be like to row on.

Go find yourself a learn to row tryout day. Nearly every country in the world has a national federation where you can find a club near you.

  • British Rowing

  • US Rowing

  • Rowing Ireland

  • Australia Rowing

  • Rowing South Africa

  • Rowing Canada Aviron

  • New Zealand Rowing

This blog was written by Rebecca Caroe , she is the founder of Faster Masters Rowing in New Zealand. For training advice any any other information click on the link below.

Many people fear change in menopause and midlife but it can be in that change and in conquering our fears that we grow.

Laura Shuckburgh is a menopause coach specialising in helping menopausal women find confidence and purpose and thrive through menopause.

You can read more about how she can help you here.