Marvellous Midlife

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How Coaching Support Makes a Difference and the Benefits of a Midlife Retreat.

How Coaching Support Makes a Difference and the Benefits of a Midlife Retreat.

I spent some time on World Menopause Day reflecting on the journey I’m on and who and what has helped along the way. I have been in the full throes of menopause for some time now and made some major lifestyle changes in 2020. I am travelling full time as a digital nomad, teaching and coaching and I’m a pet sitter but I started to have some major doubts about my decisions and lifestyle. I was away from my close friendship group and my family but I also didn’t want to burden them with my problems. I knew my menopausal symptoms were also playing a part, a lack of confidence in my decision making, foggy thinking, low mood and mild anxiety.

The value of conversation

I’m a coach and had been working with women at different stages of their lives but recognised I needed someone who I could have a conversation with and someone who could help me to see different perspective and to re set some goals. I booked an initial call just to see how we would get on and how Laura @marvellousMidlife worked. Signing up for 6 sessions was probably one of the best things I did during that period, Laura guided my thinking and helped me to see other perspectives whilst understanding me at this time of life and as a bonus Laura was also living a nomadic lifestyle so understood the impact of that too.

Finding my tribe on a retreat in France.

Laura also hosts retreats for midlife women and I decided to book myself onto the Menopause Unleashed retreat in June 2023. The week was food for my soul, mind and body. I met 7 amazing women who I found a strong connection with. They have become my tribe on my menopause journey. We shared, laughed, cried and found true connections in our experiences. Laura facilitated a workshop to develop a ‘toolkit’ for the menopause, we meditated, did yoga sessions and visited a French market. I could feel my confidence growing and changing as I chatted and shared experiences with the other women on the retreat. But my confidence was challenged as we went off wild swimming, something that I have done in the past but fills me with fear. The encouragement of my new found tribe got me into the water though and I enjoyed not only the dip but also some photographs afterwards in my bikini with a professional photographer. A combination of Laura, an ex model and a professional photographer who was on the retreat as part of the tribe meant I made the most of what would have been an experience I would have avoided at all costs. At the end of the retreat we said our goodbyes but knew the connections we had made would be lasting. We keep in touch regularly and meet with each other when we can.

How coaching and the retreat benefited me

Women who are on their menopause journey have different needs, approach those needs in their own way and can spend a long time on their menopause journey. My key support in the last year or so was finding ‘my tribe’, those who support me, understand me, see me and are unconditional in their friendship. This has helped me to understand my own needs, my journey and the retreat encouraged a ‘re set’ in my thinking.

Midlife and menopause affects us all differently. We have different needs, experiences and desires for the future. Finding a Coach who understands you and your menopause journey can be a great tool in your tool box. If you haven’t been on a retreat that is focussed on women at this time of life and their wellbeing check them out and see if they are for you.

I’m Nicky Genders an advocate for midlife women, a coach and mindfulness practitioner. If you think coaching is for you have a look at the work Laura does and at the retreats planned for next year. Nicky

Find out more about this years French Retreat HERE and how Coaching can help support you to thrive through midlife and menopause HERE