Could you buy no new clothes for 52 weeks ?

Not buying it

The end of my 52 week not buying new challenge…..

Last June after watching a programme about how much water and resources it takes to make a pair of jeans and how fast fashion is the second biggest polluter of any other industry in the world I decided to do my bit and join the likes of @xr.boycottfasion and @franklinonfasion and not buy any new clothes or textiles for a year……And I did it !!!

I was determined to do this, challenging as it was at times. I knew that my need to stand up to our fashion and buying habits and change the way I view new clothes was a cause worth participating in.

It seems here in England us Brits are shopping as a hobby, it become a past time that becomes the norm. Rather than doing something soul fulfilling like walking, exercise, painting, or gardening most of us head down to the shops for the latest clothing fad.

The whole fashion industry is about greed, making money and the best way to do this is to convince us all that we need to follow the current fashion to fit in. It’s nothing to do with that, we are all being marketed to, purely to make us buy more.

The charity shops are full to brimming right now and even before lock down. Clothes are produced so cheaply these days that it is almost OK to wear something once because it did not cost us a lot. People do not think about how clothes can be made this cheaply.

Exploitation in the clothing industry is rife and if we just took a moment to think about how and where an item of clothing was made, each piece by a real person then maybe we would not be so wasteful and indulgent.

The longer I am alive the more I know that having more does not make me happy. Living more simply and using what I have makes me happier than constant buying of more stuff.

I cannot bear branded clothing or designer labels. Wearing and craving such items is filling a void and maybe spending money on some self-development or coaching to find out what is really going to make you happy would be a better use of money.

I am so chuffed to have inspired some of my followers and friends to take up the challenge too, it kind of makes it all worthwhile….will you join the preloved revolution?

Shopping in my wardrobe has become my norm. I have so many clothes (who hasn’t?) and it has been good to re-use and really think about how to style an outfit differently or mix and match what I already own.

I have bought some items from charity shops but even now I am aware that this isn’t a substitute for not buying new it is a just a better choice. As is buying key pieces from ethical brands and supporting our local shops or small businesses.

I invite you to try it for three months…. even better a year… if I can do it anyone can …

‘Making one pair of jeans produces as much greenhouse gasses as driving a car more than 80 miles. Every year half a million tonnes of micro-fibres released by washed garments contribute to ocean pollution, that is 16 times more than plastic micro beads from cosmetics.’

There are lots of wonderful independent sellers of Vintage and preloved clothes and many people to follow on social media.

@maggies_ magic_ wardrobe






Just to be totally transparent I made it to 50 weeks, a dress in M and S caught my eye and I bought it for £15 pounds… I am still very proud of myself for what I did achieve !
