Eight years ago, perimenopause floored me.
I had no idea what was happening, I thought I may have early onset dementia, it was truly frightening.
I was anxious, lost ALL my confidence, became incredibly forgetful and was so tired some days that I could hardly function.These symptoms impacted my family and work life massively ( so much so , I ended up moving out of the family home a renting a small house because I could not cope )
If this resonates, I hear you, I have been there and got the t-shirt…AND come out the other side brighter, happier, and more content than ever.
How can I help you?
I am a Menopause Coach and an International NLP Practitioner and Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy Practitioner…sounds posh hey…it’s not really. Still, it does give me some great tools to help support you to make changes to help you to achieve your dreams, goals, and desires and get on top of your menopause.
I use a combination of NLP and CBT techniques, my own lived experience, and all my research making me an effective coach for women who decide to invest and work with me.
Four years ago I left my marriage, my job, and my country and set off on a midlife adventure right in the middle of lockdown! it was a now-or-never moment.
Driving thousands of miles in search of something different. Following the call of my soul. I now live and work mostly out of my Motor Home in France as a digital nomad. (I have done this for 2 years now and am ready for some bricks and mortar!) Spending summers there and winter in Majorca.
I have designed my life on my terms and I am loving it. You can do the same.
Helping you to navigate midlife, perimenopause and beyond is part of my purpose
Midlife can be a time of enormous change. We can struggle to cope with the feelings that come with the hormonal changes happening in our bodies.
I know many women who didn’t know they were going through the menopause because they have not been educated about the symptoms. Like most of us it comes as a complete shock.
AND it is a time of life when when we can reemerge , stronger and with more vibrancy and passion than before. We have to be willing to embrace the process. It can be a tough one but the rewards on the ‘other side’ can be wonderful. The Japanese call it The Second Spring.
Maybe you are an empty-nester and you now have some time to concentrate on you and what you want in the next part of your life.
Or you are woman who needs some time management strategies. Your self-care and wellbeing is not being prioritised at a time when it really needs to be a priority.
Have you lost your mojo? feeling out of sorts and just not like the old you. I hear you.
Midlife is no longer a time for slowing down, it can be the perfect time to focus on living how YOU WANT.
It’s time to get intentional and design the rest of your life your way
Let’s do it with courage, sass and conviction!

Get to know me
I am 55 years young
I am postmenopause
I believe passionately in the potential within each one of us…
I completed my first Spartan race ! at 53 ( I must be crazy )
I love being in nature, keeping fit and currently started my Sober Curious journey( I did this for 4 months and have now been drinking ‘mindfully’ again)
I am currently living in France + am on a solo adventure after leaving my marriage in October 2020 and travelling 1000’s of km in search of my souls calling
I am a life long learner and self development junkie!
I am currently studying a CBT course to help support you even more
I am an extrovert/introvert ENFP.
I was a single mum for many years from the time my son was 9 months old.
My son Sol is now 23 and makes me very proud every day with his kindness, wisdom and empathy.
I discovered the power of Coaching 5 years ago. I started an ILM Level 7 organisational Coaching qualification. I realised that I had found my calling. Everything seemed to come together. Having always been interested in what makes us human. I now put my learnings and life experience to good use by supporting others. This feels like MY PURPOSE.
Horses are my favourite animals
Eating a mainly plant based diet fits my values
I lived and worked from my motor home, a digital nomad for 3 years and now have a small French Cottage in a beautiful village.
I can’t wait to connect with you on your journey…
I am proud to have built a thriving menopause consultancy, helping women with personal menopause coaching and mentoring AND supporting organisations to become menopause-friendly cultures offering menopause awareness training. All of this since leaving my marriage.

If you want to find out about how I got on top of my perimenopause
Click here.
NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy Practitioner.
School of Life, Motherhood, Life Long Learner, Avid reader
Currently studying CBT